Happy 15th Birthday Ah Zhu!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

This is the birthday BOY!..haha..went kbox to celebrate Andrew's birthday..Inside is totally noisy one..cnt even hear wad we're singing..haha..ok so here's one pic of the boy b4 celebration began... Then here's one when the celebration started =) yes, he was so hungry he almost ate the whole cake. we had to stop him from gg any further..

Ok this is classic. Flip tru this photo and the next one quickly and you might be able to see the photo-effects...

#after smacking..(NICE SHOT!)

haha look at XH de face...she still can freeze in the moment altho her hands are in motion..haha poor andrew...but nvm we like =)

my little sis singing and the 2 of us as her compatriots..haha
so here's quote of the post "Inside every older person is a younger person- thinking whtat the hell happened!"-Cora Harvey Armstrong

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