Partially To: LIFE

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Decided to remove my tagboard since nobodys write on it anyways *sob*. i believe this place will soon become a place for me to release my unhappiness, with all the complains and stuff soon to come my way (i foreseed it, guru style). I was actually glad that i got to "take up" (its not 100% confirmed yet) a project that i'm interested in and thought this sem might just havea rather good beginning. but no, there's not ONLY this one, there's another, and now i've heard, there's one more -.- omg! will i ever survive this sem?? i have no idea...i guess i only have myself to blame, taking up more projects and stuff. but hey, i would really really like to see how the 'real world' works. really hate when my passion comes and life just doesnt work in favour of it. W-H-Y like this??? I would really like to know the answer. so LIFE, if you're seeing this, can you tell me why are you always finding ways to make it hard for me? Pls reply me through my sleep (cos thats the fastest way and if you've noticed, i've removed my tagboard).
i found a quote which i really liked. wish i can do that...well mayb i will try one day. it'll cost a few bucks though...
"So she smashed her rearview mirror, cause from now on shes never looking back" - Annonymous

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