Undercover kindness.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I used to catch this TV show called the undercover boss, which I think is quite a meaningful show. Here the bosses undergo a makeover and join in their employees to do the task that they hire people to do and observe the things that are going on on the ground level, which is meaningful because one can never understand the situation fully until they step into the shoes of the person they are judging. And best of all, good people gets rewarded for their work and great attitute at the end of the show! So here's one video episode that I really liked and resonated in my heart for quite sometime and henece, I decided to blog it up. It's a special shoutout to the old gentleman who took his time to give back to society and even donate part of his earnings to buy special soaps that is safe even for toddlers to use (well, popeye is a food place so it's important to maintain high sterility, even by customers). But this man's generosity truly deserves recognition and so, this post is for him =)


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