Final Semester Week.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A lot of things have happened last week, good things, sad things, and most prominently, the end of many things. Soo, yeah! It was the last week of my 4 years of uni education, and it's over =D

I'm happy because...
...I've finally finished 4 years of my uni education
...I've got to make some superb friends
...I've got to know some amazing people
...I'll be coming out to the "real-world"
...I can have a chance to earn my own keep
...I can finally start exploring the world
...I'll know if my last 17 years of schooling was worth the study

I'm kinda sad because...
...I won't be able to have student benefits anymore ;p
...I'm leaving the world that I've known for the past 17 years
...well, it means we'll all have different lives now

Butt, the last week ended with a bang.I handed up my thesis (goodbye to sleeping at 6am!), my project reports are done, my group won the 2nd runner up prize for a project (free tibits!), I celebrated 2 of my uni friend's birthday (happy birthdays!), I collected a winning (yipee!) and for the first time in my life....I managed to go on radio! wheeee~

Haha, I was kinda panicking when the call I was quiet for most of them time. The DJ spoke soooo fast also (and the volume was quite soft through the phone), so I didn't catch alot of the words. But I went on air for abit, did you manage to catch me? Tell me if you did okay! Heh heh much for the 6 seconds of fame ya...haha anyways, can say that the last week was quite memorable for me lah ;)

Even so, it's not totally over yet. I still have 2 exams, 2 major presentations, and 2 things to submit (poster & article). So, time to go and do more work! Ending this post with a special quote by yours truly =)

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