on 20Jan2007 : i met up wif Isabel and went to TP...hahas...my main motive was to meet Hady larh..den she wanna ask abt her vet course...hahas..den we went to the convention centre to hear wad the t'chers haf to sae abt the courses..after dat was hady's performance..& ltr it was lucky draw to win backstage passes to meet hady...hahas... so luckily, YINSY got called as the 2nd person(out of 15)...i wass so happie for her noes...den i msg her...den i din really notice the person dat continued calling names...den he suddenly sae my name -.-!!! i was totally shocked!! hahas... den after my name wass Isabel's name..OMG...we so lucky can..hahas...all 3 tgt going to meet singapore idol... wahahas...so dere u go..the pic we took backstage...he oso gave us 'gifts' la...budden oni lyk one poster(of him) and a bon jovi cup..and he took bel's marker to autograph for us...den bel dun dare to hold the marker...in case she rubbed off his fingerprints (-.-")..hahas.. farnie gurl... den afterwards i and bel went to eat..chicken chop ($2.60 oni, very cheap n nice =))...budget lunch...hahas...den afterwards i went for my OG outing...i was supposed to meet my fren @ 2 i tink.. budden coz bel n me to excited after meetin wif hady dat i was late to meet my fren..( i met them at 3++pm in the end)..hahas...den we play play play...den so suay raining.. so we used this chance to celebrate xinyi's burfdae...she shocked by us..wahahas.... so cool...den after dat some of us played cards till dinner time...and lucia was lyk a football fantic!! she so interested in football..n she hates ManU(if i rmb correctly)..hahas...recently i oso found out she joined gurls' soccer as her cca...hardcore fan..hahas... k la... dats abt all...*tata*