for yesterday : i went to meet my group to do some posters for the china trip..woah, really take a long time manx..from 9am all the way till 4pm..phew! my part finally do finish and i'm freezing their while waiting for my frens..kovan macs =) hmm...yup and later 4 of the remaining us decided to 'bond' at arcade..haha i finally played time crisis after soooo super long break from skills still there wor...skillful me hahas...den we tong the dancing one (50cents) and we kana in charge or certain areas so funny...hahahaha..yup and that nite i dreamt i was doing the posters till my hands got stuck tgt by the double sided tape...abit scary when i just woke up...nvm u shld be in my shoes to feel wad i felt..nightmare manx..
today, i bought a jacket..hmm it's kinda cheap comparing it to the normal jackets ppl buy nowadays..yup 29bucks from I.P.Zone..then for dinner, i ate Arnold's Chicken @ city's the picture:
their chicken's really gals should try leh..$5.20/half-chicken set..not too ex hor?hahas..ok den we set off home and i'm using com till now!!so it's actually the next day liao..anyways the quote for today is "love to be loved!" =)
today, i bought a jacket..hmm it's kinda cheap comparing it to the normal jackets ppl buy nowadays..yup 29bucks from I.P.Zone..then for dinner, i ate Arnold's Chicken @ city's the picture:
woo..i'm back from a long long break ^.^
haha..yep i went to my cousin's house to help him with the choosing of schools...hais but he did not very good..haha..anyway, he got 200points..not bad actually =)
hmmm, hopefully he ends up in a not bad school and have better friends to study well together...can come NCHS try try..hahas...yep..doing on my blogskin..well here's the quote :"The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away" *taTa*
haha..yep i went to my cousin's house to help him with the choosing of schools...hais but he did not very good..haha..anyway, he got 200points..not bad actually =)
hmmm, hopefully he ends up in a not bad school and have better friends to study well together...can come NCHS try try..hahas...yep..doing on my blogskin..well here's the quote :"The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away" *taTa*