My official school semester ends in less than 6 weeks...and I'm actually starting to feel a little poignant when I think about it. I feel so uncertain about my future...
But back to reality, I have so much stuff to complete within this short period. Firstly, I will have to go for graduation robe fittings (decide to buy or rent?). Then, I have to finish a project that is due next week, which includes a presentation on top of a report. On the same week, there's a FYP draft submission where I believe most of my work should be more or less stated within. Butt, I'm still short of so many data (which requires more lab sessions and the results have to be further analyzed and discussed). Then there's the assignment to critique a journal paper, a lab to complete and a lab report to be done. All these within the next month...just thinking about it makes me feel so tensed =(
And am I going to cram all those information into my limited memory space. Hais, and to think I took only 2 modules this semester which I was so looking forward to before. Didn't know last semester is such a tough battle where 2 modules can still stretch your day so tight. It's really a love-hate semester when I love it that it's the last sem and happy that I learnt some new stuff, but hate it cause of the super heavy workload.
#Bucketlist: Staycation
I recently went on a staycation with my sisters. It was SO MUCH FUN! Although we didn't do much, but it's my first time doing such a stayover (and in such a grand hotel!). It feels like a timeout for us 3 and the little one to spend some time alone just doing pretty much nothing. Really enjoyed the whole staycation even though its a short one (all because I had to leave early for school -.-). We should really do it more often, but of course, it'll be straining on our wallets. Well, time to find a special occasion and splurge!
(perhaps I'll add some photos about the staycation another time when I have the time)
I recently went on a staycation with my sisters. It was SO MUCH FUN! Although we didn't do much, but it's my first time doing such a stayover (and in such a grand hotel!). It feels like a timeout for us 3 and the little one to spend some time alone just doing pretty much nothing. Really enjoyed the whole staycation even though its a short one (all because I had to leave early for school -.-). We should really do it more often, but of course, it'll be straining on our wallets. Well, time to find a special occasion and splurge!
(perhaps I'll add some photos about the staycation another time when I have the time)