christmas and opening of school
Sunday, January 06, 2008 We celebrated my friend's birthday (the one on the right) at new york new york restaurant! the service there not bad(5stars) haha..the managerS serve us of course..yup and not to forget one waitress who helped us take this photo is very friendly too =) nice job...yup and i ordered the speciality, the meatball noodles..woah the meat balls very big..see below...
haha plus i called a root beer..the cup oso very big...i think this can be called the 'super-size' restaurant le..haha..we bot the birthday girl a balloon and some other stuffs..but the balloon most outstanding..haha..ok so for my christmas celebration this year..pls read on =)
This is me with my designs : Theodore and the chipmunks
haha so last year's theme was 'alvin and the chipmunks' =) i spent almost 2 hrs doing alvin and 1 hour each on the other 2...nice hor? haha..yup thank you thank you ^.^ school start already and the first week i have so many hwk!!!my goodiness...j2 is really getting to me..hais..hopefully will become less stress as the time goes by..haha 31dec went to yinsy's house to P-A-R-T-Y woohoo~ haha shun bian celebrated her birthday and gave her her 17beating...tai shuang le! haha..ya and shing and limmy and lai lai told me i sleep-talked..haha 'CIRCLE!' hahaha...really very funny they shocked by my actions...hahahaha cannot stop luffing once i recall this incident..haha they 3 say they suddenly became very awake after my funny...ok till here the quote is 'God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece'hahaha..this is really a nice one..*tata*
This is us 3 acting like the chipmunks...haha