moonCAKE festival

Sunday, September 14, 2008

STEPS TO CREATE YOUR VERY OWN MOONCAKE! Step 1: take out a rough estimate of the 'skin' u prepared. u'll need 20g.
Step 2: Ah! 20g exactly ^^.

Step 3: roll the dough into a ball.

Step 4: press the dough into a moon-shape and start preparing the paste. u'll need 40g.

Step 5: ooOO..exactly 40g again >o<
extra step for pre-schoolers: See..they must total up to 60g.

Step 6: place the paste onto the prepared 'skin' and wrap the paste.

Step 7: fold both sides.

Step 8: put it into the shape u want to make. for me, i chose 'pao' shape.
Ah, my yellow bun. (suits* peh)

Step 9: *ta da*!

Step 10: taste your creation *yum yum*
well, wad cha waiting for? treat me eat mooncakes!! haha! happy mooncake festival!

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