Shrek and Pixar!
Thursday, May 27, 2010Shrek was pretty nice, except that it's kinda short. But the storyline's quite interesting esp dialogue between donkey and puss in boots. HAHAHA, yes the "RE-DONK-CULOUS" and i forgot the cat's one. shesh! anyway pls tell me so i can write it here..haha
Ok, went to SINGAPORE SCIENCE CENTRE today with pepper. It scared us when we saw the swarm of kids over there. Luckily, they were there for some other lesson which will not be in tht PIXAR exhibition side. Phew! haha ok so we got the hybrid tix (again) and went to explore the PIXAR displays. OMG the drawings are like super duper nice!! They made me wana start drawing/painting again. Maybe i should request for employment at some animation company to improve my drawing skills to mayb one day "draw" like those pictures..oh lord, when will that day ever ever come?? =) haha..ok so change of subject(*random*), pepper gave me some stuff today..lucky it's not some stuff that involved the sense of smell (that thing stinked like toot can!) again..the presents today are much nicer..hope presents today will come often muahaha~ yup, altho one bookmark was so called the "ugliest" and pepper picked it ESP -.- for me. *Thanks uh!* Ok back to PIXAR topic..this is the brochure for's actually the simplified version of Einstein's when he's young...
the exhibition is simply (this above brochure + nicer graphics) x 10000 times over again. See below to compare how one simple pic can be portrayed in many many diff ways. This is just incredible!
Oh yes, our entrance came along with post cards (3 of them). I took 2 (haha so nice of pepper to give me extra =P). This is one of the post card i took. Simply love SULLY and MIKE. pepper loves BOO thou.haha..Can u believe how simple the art looks?