Technology ruins everything. And since our future is technology, our future is ruined.
I guess I'm used to getting left out by my sisters...
havent been blogging since like forever, i know right. haha, so here's a little update of my life!
ever since my school holiday started, i had to seize every chance i have to enjoy maaself (esp when my internship starts in 4 days after last day of paper). And sooo, i did the following stuff...
The Avengers
Straight after the paper, i went to watch the Avengers movie. It was quite good actually, especially because it was funny on top of the action packed storyline. And before the movie, i was thinking whether to buy the Avengers popcorn set for the collectable cup (I am a cup collector u see). But i thought & thought n thought and thought through it, and decided it will be a waste of money (I guess I am not a true cup collector). So, didnt buy the cup lorh..
Buttt...vioolaa, after the movie, there were 2 cups sitting right in front of us in the theatre! I did look left, look right and look left again but there was no cup owner(s) in sight. In fact the whole row was like almost empty by then. So, i guess it was a sign for me to continue my cup collection (I am a natural cup collector), and so i koped the cups and figurines (i had 2 in the end, yay!). Here's a victory picture for ya =)
Not so delicious crepe
Gigantic yummy chicken puff
BR like finally!(though it doesnt show in this pic)
A very creative tibits stall holder
Our tibits harvest!
A little present for the little one back at home...
the not-so-look-like-me-but-look-kinda-like-him cartoon we bought -.-
Yep, had loadsa fun in Msia since we visited a new mall and had sucha big place to shop! And of course, the unforgettable dinner we had...woots! crayfish rocks!
We had pizza cooked (or baked? made consumerble? aiyah i dunno -.-)by derek's mom. Its amazing man! the only time i get to eat homemade pizzas in my life!
It's the time of the year again when this boy grows up to be a more (supposedly) mature man. hahaha~
Birthday Cake at his home celebration
My Birthday Cake to him
Da best birthday present...YET heh heh heh
Meat MEat and moRE MEAT!
Ready as can be
*munching munching* up
We celebrated mother's day too and my cousin's baby's first month. It was cuteness to the max over there, will post soon! Back to my boring intern tomorrow *bawhss*
ever since my school holiday started, i had to seize every chance i have to enjoy maaself (esp when my internship starts in 4 days after last day of paper). And sooo, i did the following stuff...
Buttt...vioolaa, after the movie, there were 2 cups sitting right in front of us in the theatre! I did look left, look right and look left again but there was no cup owner(s) in sight. In fact the whole row was like almost empty by then. So, i guess it was a sign for me to continue my cup collection (I am a natural cup collector), and so i koped the cups and figurines (i had 2 in the end, yay!). Here's a victory picture for ya =)
Not so delicious crepe

Birthday Cake at his home celebration
Ready as can be
Heh heh heh, finally "completed" a more personal blog style, for easier reading also! Was kinda interested in taking photos recently and I took a pic of a rainbow lolly, (and i dunno why i so contradicting but i removed all the colours except blue [of course]. On the left bottom is a picture i photoshopped (for the first time!). Not too bad huh! =D The drawing was drawn by a random artist and is inspired by a recent movie (pls guess correctly if not means the artist fail and the money is wasted), but it doesn't really resemble me lurh...zzz
But other than that, i quite like the drawing and artistic flair behind it, so *tada*, it's blogged! Enjoy the new outlook~
But other than that, i quite like the drawing and artistic flair behind it, so *tada*, it's blogged! Enjoy the new outlook~
This story is an example of why we should count every single day as a blessing...

(click on the pic to go to her blog)
Little something about this brave little girl (extracted from her blog):
"a 5-month old little girl named Avery who has an incurable disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). While SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2, most people have never heard of it, there is no cure for it, and there's minimal clinical research being done to find a cure for it. Avery has created a "bucket list" of things she'd like to accomplish before she dies"
The sad thing is, this little girl has already passed. It's really sad. Read the blog posts (which are written from the perspective of Avery) and you can find that every little thing that people take for granted is viewed as a huge accomplishment for her. She even wanted to go on the ELLEN show (woots imma big fan of ELLEN too *hi five!*) on Mayday, but she passed the day before (T.T)....
Every kid should have a childhood, and that illness took it away from her. Illness that stupid asshole. Anyways, reading on, I really liked one post of hers titled "SMA please don't take my smiles away". It's really nice to see that the illness didn't manage to take away her smiles, or at least to others that she knew. Yes and randomly, i tot of today and i believed i smiled like almost the whole way after MY LAST PAPER OF THE SEMESTER! Yes, I really can't help but just keep smiling because it feels like a really heavy weight lifted off my shoulders! Like crazy, i know. But whatever, at least i got my smile back =) And i watched 'The Avengers' today and got 2 "free" collectacups. muahaha~ Yes, why isit "free"? Because some spendthrifts left them at the theatre and with my hawk eye vision i managed to spot them and kope them before anything happens. haha really happy cause I wanted to add an avengers cup to my cup collection..and now i have 2! woots! (more reasons to smile again =D) Yay, soooo happy belated-Mayday to everyone, and here i'll leave with a quote: "The greatest wealth is health." -Virgil. So true...

Little something about this brave little girl (extracted from her blog):
"a 5-month old little girl named Avery who has an incurable disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). While SMA is the #1 genetic killer of infants & children under the age of 2, most people have never heard of it, there is no cure for it, and there's minimal clinical research being done to find a cure for it. Avery has created a "bucket list" of things she'd like to accomplish before she dies"
The sad thing is, this little girl has already passed. It's really sad. Read the blog posts (which are written from the perspective of Avery) and you can find that every little thing that people take for granted is viewed as a huge accomplishment for her. She even wanted to go on the ELLEN show (woots imma big fan of ELLEN too *hi five!*) on Mayday, but she passed the day before (T.T)....
Every kid should have a childhood, and that illness took it away from her. Illness that stupid asshole. Anyways, reading on, I really liked one post of hers titled "SMA please don't take my smiles away". It's really nice to see that the illness didn't manage to take away her smiles, or at least to others that she knew. Yes and randomly, i tot of today and i believed i smiled like almost the whole way after MY LAST PAPER OF THE SEMESTER! Yes, I really can't help but just keep smiling because it feels like a really heavy weight lifted off my shoulders! Like crazy, i know. But whatever, at least i got my smile back =) And i watched 'The Avengers' today and got 2 "free" collectacups. muahaha~ Yes, why isit "free"? Because some spendthrifts left them at the theatre and with my hawk eye vision i managed to spot them and kope them before anything happens. haha really happy cause I wanted to add an avengers cup to my cup collection..and now i have 2! woots! (more reasons to smile again =D) Yay, soooo happy belated-Mayday to everyone, and here i'll leave with a quote: "The greatest wealth is health." -Virgil. So true...