lil updates...
Thursday, May 17, 2012havent been blogging since like forever, i know right. haha, so here's a little update of my life!
ever since my school holiday started, i had to seize every chance i have to enjoy maaself (esp when my internship starts in 4 days after last day of paper). And sooo, i did the following stuff...
Buttt...vioolaa, after the movie, there were 2 cups sitting right in front of us in the theatre! I did look left, look right and look left again but there was no cup owner(s) in sight. In fact the whole row was like almost empty by then. So, i guess it was a sign for me to continue my cup collection (I am a natural cup collector), and so i koped the cups and figurines (i had 2 in the end, yay!). Here's a victory picture for ya =)
Not so delicious crepe

Birthday Cake at his home celebration
Ready as can be