Mission to the edge of Space
Monday, October 15, 2012I'm now witnessing a very interesting LIVE telecast of a man

Fact 1:
Armstrong Line is the line when went beyond, causes the human body liquid to start boiling if not countered by being in a pressured chamber.
Fact 2:
Another sky-jumper held the record for
1) Falling from highest height (Highest Parachute Jump)
2) Falling at fastest speed (Fastest speed by a human being through the atmosphere)
3) Longest lasting free-fall
and his name is: Joseph Kittinger
Fact 3:
Float altitude is the height where the capsule will level off and not rise any further.

Fact 4:
It gets colder and colder as it gets higher, but it slowly begins to warm again as it gets into thinner air.
Fact 5:
The Balloon has valves on the top to release the Helium air to prevent the Balloon from climbing higher! Didn't know Balloons could have such gadgets attached. and this is the largest balloon i have ever seen (O.o)
Story 1:
Two guys (Malcom Ross & Victor Prather) held the highest manned balloon altitude record and manage to land safely, but while being rescued, Victor slipped out of the safety sling he was tied too and drowned when his space suit got flooded with water.
So yup, I'm keeping a logbook about the interesting events and facts along the way (also updating LIVE) right now as I witness this history making event ;)
The door is open!

His legs are out!

And here he prepares to jump!

Freefall Whoooo~

Record timing??

It is within this time frame he opened his parachute. but even with 4 minutes of FREEFALLING is breathtaking enough!!

He is colour-fied.

When he just touch-downed

Mission Accomplished!

So that's the end for my blog about this Space mission, and now "to infinity and beyond!"