Into the last week of April...
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Really happy & excited that June is coming, but at the same time quite sad that my pre-attachment is coming to an end... I was really starting to enjoy it, but someone just had to come into the picture to spoil all the fun. Well, that's life. Nothing ever goes smoothly, especially when you're mee! maggi mee.
Anyways, I've recently participated in a competition. It's quite interesting actually, plus my first time doing something like this, so maybe I shall post the link here if there's result. Remember to *watch this space* yep!
One of the reasons I have this blog is for me to have a space to rant and hopefully vent some anger in the process. Because I've noticed, speaking to people bores them (it's not their problem) and their inattention (on purpose or otherwise) would make me ask myself : why did i even try it in the first place. Switching up the volume of the radio or cutting in with another non-related topic? Makes me wonder...hais
And another thing which I have been keeping in my mind, is about who we call friends. I believe friends are people who respect your decisions, no matter their own perceptions. I have always thought many people as my friends. But then when the real test comes, some fail, badly too. Why did I say this? Because I once told friends about a personal decision, and even reminded them time and again not to spread (yep, quite embarrassed to have to remind them about this). Thinking that because I have verbally reminded them, my secret is safe with them. Nope, not the case. Some questioned my want to keep a low-profile. Well, firstly it's my business. Secondly, these people are usually the ones that always hide their own affairs and are secretive about their own stuff. Talk about hypocrites. Thirdly, why can't you just respect your friend's decision? Not like it will affect you in any way what-so-ever. Most obviously, I am a low-profile person. But how did I came to realise my 'business' was leaked? I was at the first scene when I was taiji-ed a question someone asked my "friend". The question topic? The secret I never wanted to share with strangers. I received the second leak through a phone call. The caller was an insurance agent, a friend of "friend no. 2", informing me about my business, which I have never told anyone other than people I thought were my friends. A few other minor incidents happened during this period, not significant to mention. Final showdown was at a gathering. It was filled with a mix of people, a few of them who will make true friends, and then the rest "friends". Bluntly, I was asked about my 'business' by someone I never told it to. They call it the "tell it all" session. Well, I highly doubt "that" few person revealed the whole truth about themselves, especially regarding my topic, and especially for the person who questioned my need to keep my business private. Seriously, hypocrite to the max. So, I've learnt many lessons over the process. Most important one of all, who are the real friends. Karma also tells me that friends of that person(s), should be wary of that person(s). Maybe they're okay being betrayed, that's why they're still friends. Or maybe they're not. Well, I have to admit it's my fault too that I want to share the news with people I thought were my friends. Now I know better. "We don't lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are." I liked you much better in the past.
Feels abit better now that I have let it out. Okay, I like to end on a good note, so I'm posting this really touching & inspiring video. Hope it inspires something good in ya'll: