lalalala...hello!! haha..sorry very long nv post...ok ytd was my prom night =) first prom yeah~ haha it's kinda like any other dinner but for my age de was fun sharks' fin summor *yum yum* haha..the gals always had to go toilet every now and den cos we drank too much water and our dress u know...very the tight one =P heh heh..and den after prom we gotta 'post prom' thingy at Gotham Penthouse at Clark Quay area
*wheet whew* haha really very's like the whole dancing floor only SR people and den they like kinda 'over' high? hahas...but they're the sporty ones cos they will join in and dance =) den we still got the one for one jug of vodka+soft drinks all funny we still play chai quan..heng i not bad so never drink so many times =) i stayed till like 3plus den go home..wah super tired!! haha..but fun experience..once in a lifetime the club house kena own by SR students u know..haha! ok i'll update with pics soon k =)

p.s.REEESSSVY let's go out!!
Step 1: take out a rough estimate of the 'skin' u prepared. u'll need 20g.

today i went to watch movie with ohno! sao, jun sao and jam sao
hahas..the ah soh gatherings..altho $10 but i tink very sweet and so...worth it! =) guys should treat girls like jun! and i realised the girl's name is 'mao'. hahas..den they keep saying this mao that mao ohno! watch le den cannot walk straight keep banging into people..haha!
Rui acting is also not bad =)
*****5 stars for jun and mao
Rules to follow:
1. Do the following without complains
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tag board to say he/she's been tagged
Colour(s): Blue(love of my life), Red(me of course i like), Pink (rather sweet sometimes), black & white(simple pleasures)
Food: m&n chocolates, Dove chocolates, Malt chocolate Balls, Ice cream cake,
Song: soothing songs and classic piano
Movie: almost all...i watch most of them on TV though..haha
Dated your best friend:nope...i have only 3 "wives" and i'm a pure female
Broken the law: erm cycling at non-cycling places? but i was never arrested
Kissed someone you don't know: dramatic
5 things you are wearing: spectacles, hang ten tee, shorts, earrings, eyebags
Things you've done today:went tuition, eat at pow sing, went cousin's house, use computer to answer limmy's lame thingy
Things you do when bored: date TV, date VCD, date DVD, sleep
-.-""""""all these thanks to's her : L-I-M-M-Y

She must be so honoured.
1. Do the following without complains
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tag board to say he/she's been tagged
Colour(s): Blue(love of my life), Red(me of course i like), Pink (rather sweet sometimes), black & white(simple pleasures)
Food: m&n chocolates, Dove chocolates, Malt chocolate Balls, Ice cream cake,
Song: soothing songs and classic piano
Movie: almost all...i watch most of them on TV though..haha
Dated your best friend:nope...i have only 3 "wives" and i'm a pure female
Broken the law: erm cycling at non-cycling places? but i was never arrested
Kissed someone you don't know: dramatic
5 things you are wearing: spectacles, hang ten tee, shorts, earrings, eyebags
Things you've done today:went tuition, eat at pow sing, went cousin's house, use computer to answer limmy's lame thingy
Things you do when bored: date TV, date VCD, date DVD, sleep
-.-""""""all these thanks to's her : L-I-M-M-Y

She must be so honoured.

haha plus i called a root beer..the cup oso very big...i think this can be called the 'super-size' restaurant le..haha..we bot the birthday girl a balloon and some other stuffs..but the balloon most outstanding..haha..ok so for my christmas celebration this year..pls read on =)
This is me with my designs : Theodore and the chipmunks
haha so last year's theme was 'alvin and the chipmunks' =) i spent almost 2 hrs doing alvin and 1 hour each on the other 2...nice hor? haha..yup thank you thank you ^.^ school start already and the first week i have so many hwk!!!my goodiness...j2 is really getting to me..hais..hopefully will become less stress as the time goes by..haha 31dec went to yinsy's house to P-A-R-T-Y woohoo~ haha shun bian celebrated her birthday and gave her her 17beating...tai shuang le! haha..ya and shing and limmy and lai lai told me i sleep-talked..haha 'CIRCLE!' hahaha...really very funny they shocked by my actions...hahahaha cannot stop luffing once i recall this incident..haha they 3 say they suddenly became very awake after my funny...ok till here the quote is 'God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece'hahaha..this is really a nice one..*tata*
This is us 3 acting like the chipmunks...haha