A day With Perv =)
Sunday, June 20, 2010Today, i'm gonna do the point system. By adding and subtracting the boons and banes of my outing with Veron =)..
So the day came (15/6/10) that veron promised me to help me de-stress from all the studying and daily happenings..and so we did this..
First, we went to get out dinner (Fan Cai).
Then, veron led me to the start of many steps opposite Vivo. The steps led to a darkening opening but Veron insisted that it's 100% safe. So, up we went.
[minus 1]
*PIACK* One of our Fai Cai actually fell out of the plastic bag and kena smashed into the ground.
and it's mine!!! ahhh! haha budden veron became the one sadded over my food drop. haha she kept complaining abt my poor packet of rice..must be sad over the fact that ltr need share with me her packet cos we 2 are really hungry people =X hahaha..
One step..Two step...100 step..101 step
"are we there yet?"
"eh, actually there's still many more to go.."
To think that morning i went swimming somemore..my legs are like suan si le..and Veron still ask me climb steps to de-stress...
Ok so skip to the part when we reach the "top". Goodness! really like climbing hill.. lei dao yao si.
Yes, Veron said we must faster find a good spot becos ltr alot of other people will occupy them. And i look around and see one man exercising. Haha..wad is this! haha..
[minus 1]
Veron went on to say that we missed the sunset and that is the purpose of this trip (-.-")
Terrible! haha..ok nvm the final stages of sun-setting is also not too bad as u can see in the pic below.. With the pics taken, it's time to have our dinner!
-wind blows *phewww*
[minus 1]
"ARHH our spoon!" yep. there goes our spoon..we looked helplessly at the spoon..haha So Veron tot of an ingenius plan to get another "spoon"..there it is below...
[plus 1/2] This spoon worked great...at the beginning. At first, it could carry rice, vege and toufu..Then it reduced it's load to rice and toufu..then rice..Then spoil -.- [minus away the 1/2 again]. yep..poor us..no rice, no spoon! why like this! ahhaa luckily, i ate finished my portion and gave her my spoon..then she gobbled up the remaining rice..hahaha..hungry person
[minus 1]
for drinks, veron brought two bottles of ice tea. except that she had forgotten to remove the bottles from her freezer till it was time to leave her house..so we literally had ICED milk tea. Haha. But the weather was getting warmer so very soon the Ice melted into liquid. Yes! Cool, sweet, tasetful liquid [plus 2!] =) Yummy!
Veron also brought my fav porky [i have to plus 1 for this!]..
After which, we went around to take photos with the pretty little houses and the amazing night view [plus 1 plus 1 plus 1]heh heh so we chit chatted till slightly darker..den Veron decided it's getting too dark and we gtg. So she took out her mini-me torchlight. BUT THE TORCHLIGHT WENT OFF!! [minus 1] the steps down were like in total darkness alr...craziness! i'm so not gg down those steps in that total darkness -.- somemore we two girls..and this veron..u know..anway, i encouraged her to not risk her life (and mine muahaha =X) so we walked to one small complex called the J (jewel) box. We went to use the toilet [plus 1/2] becos veron's bladder was like overflowing. Luckily the waitress there was quite nice and did not turn poor veron and her full bladder away. Haha. Ok then we were told a shuttle bus will be arriving shortly to fetch people to Vivo. *tada* hope! haha..then we saw the bus and decided to double confirm by asking the valet-man whter if it's the correct one.
"Yes" [plus 1]
"but our guest have piriority so hafta see whether there's space left aft the guests boarded the bus" [minus 2 =(]
the last few minutes there's guests like piling up by the side. I tot they were rich people with cars jus parked a few slots away and yet still hire the valet services (rich people spend $$ so easily) but no. They're waiting for the same bus =(
So one by one they boarded the bus..Phew! miracles happen. [plus 1] there were 2 seats left for us..MUAHAHA! totally a miracle. So we decided to rmb this miracle by having some snapshots of us in the bus..hahaha
Yes, we left shortly and walkeeeed all the way out again. At night my legs ached like mad. haha but was really happy i experienced everything that day. WOOHOO~ a once in a lifetime experience and with the pervertest Veron [gotta plus 100 for this fact =)] haha..so in totally, lets see...lets jus leave it at the fact that it is a huge positive number..haha..Thanks Perv for the evening and night! Love it =)