Monday, June 07, 2010Wow! this is the first time i've knitted in my life! It's really difficult man..put this, go there, turn around, up and down (repeat). haha but it's really fun..dunno if i still can rmb how to knit on my next lesson not haha =P Ok, so first lesson had to get these basic materials... -one pair of sticks -4 cotton ball ball This is my first knitting experience...heh heh heh
here's a little preview of my scarf-to-be =)
Yeah, that's about all for my first lesson of knitting. My sister told me alot of stuff abt her knitting experience. Looking forward to receiving gifts from the people over there..haha but unlikely from the way it seems =X Anyway, went to watch "THE KILLERS" today. Nice, funny, romantic, value-for-$$. haha. I also managed to finally eat my doughnuts from serangoon! Yummy!!
ok, so i'm leaving with a cute love quote
"When you are in love, you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams" -Dr Suess
p.s. aint Dr Suess the Cat in the Hat?